A grateful man walking and talking, an artist growing and learning.
Isn't life grand? when I think about my journey to this point in life a couple of things strike me as amazing. One of those is that I have made it this far alive. The other is how everything I have learned getting to this point actually makes my life easier and adds flavour from the experience. Many years ago in my late 20's I had a near death experience when I was electrocuted while working as a roofer because I was asked to work close to some power lines which I did in ignorance and dutifully. The experience was quite humbling . As I lay in my hospital bed in a room with two other men that had also been severely burned I couldn't even complain. Even though I had lost a leg and had 65% burns all over my body I was in the best shape of the three of us. Jack had lost two arms and Al had no face and major respiratory problems as well as burns all over his body. I wanted to blame the world as I felt sorry for myself and I had every right to. Yet one day I had an epiphany and in that moment I realized that every thing was my fault. As soon as I accepted that fact a huge weight left my chest and I have not looked back since. Sure I have had moments where I wish it had never happened but I can not change the past. Just my future.
As I grew older I used to see people expressing themselves creatively and was always impressed by them and envied their ability to create. I would see that they loved their hobby and wish that I was able to express myself also. I was still stuck in the thought pattern of living to work instead of working to live and believe me there is a difference even if it is just in your mind. I still wrestle with my old belief systems as we all do. So as I create this web site I would like it to be known that this is my effort to break away from my past and carve out a future with no limits. I am so grateful that I have found an outlet for my creative expression. I am even more grateful that it is quite unique. A lot of effort goes into one of these pictures before it ends up on one of these pages.
To start with I make what is known as an orgone generator. This is a combination of metal, resin and at least a crystal it has to be in a mixture as close as possible to a 50/50 mixture of inorganic material (metal) and organic material (everything else). (The phenomena of orgone energy was discovered by Wilhelm Reich in the 1930's - 1950's and his legacy is very much worth discovering for yourself. It was then improved upon by Don and Carol Croft in the year 2000 into what it is today and is constantly morphing and gaining popularity.) After I create the generator I then seek out structurally intact water for the best results. Usually I will get some clean water from a creek, river or stream for best results. I then take food coloring and mix it into a pail of water. I put a lid on that and then put an orgone generator on the lid and put it into a deep freeze until it has frozen solid. This usually takes anywhere from 3 to 10 days depending on how big I make the ice. After that I wait until it thaws enough to come out of the pail it was frozen in. It is always exciting to see what it will look like. I then take my photographs of the ice. It is interesting because in order to take a great picture the ice has to be clean and smooth and the only way to do that is to literally wipe it with my bare hands to melt any bumps or lines on the surface.
It is interesting to note that the shape of the orgone generator, it's size and the type of crystals in the generator as well as the water that I use all make significant differences in the outcome as well as the external factors of the freezer itself and where it is located. Fresh rain water seems to be scattered and leaves millions of specks in the ice. Filtered town water seems to do nothing. Yet clean water from a shallow well, from a mountain stream or river even water flowing in a ditch will produce ice with beautiful lines of force. Distilled water produces ice with millions of fine hair like lines of force. All in all there is much to learn in this field of photography. Personally I love it as you can no doubt tell.
So please enjoy this site. As it progresses I will add new pictures and the names I have given to some of the pictures from what I see in the ice. I have found that the 3D effect of the lines of force with the fractures create images not unlike the Rorschach ink blot tests. So have fun with your friends and look for faces and images in the ice, you never know what you will see in Myicechi.
Wayne Jones